South Africa's Wild Cats
The other day I read an article on Nat Geo about The Cats You've Never Heard Of as a kick off for its Big Cat Week, and it reminded me of all the amazing wild cats I saw at Tenikwa Wildlife Rehabilitation Center in South Africa. Maybe you've never heard of some of these either! :)Tenikwa specializes in the rehabilitation and conservation of indigenous South African wildcats. This wildlife sanctuary exists foremost to mend injured creatures (not only wildcats) and reintroduce them back into the wild wherever possible.CaracalLeopard
African Wildcat
Cheetah (Standing right next to a cheetah was pretty terrifying I must admit)
And since I didn't get to see a lion in Africa, I went to Chicago zoo as soon as I got back and snapped a picture of one there. But nobody has to know this was not in Africa, right? :)
And for your viewing pleasure, here are some other animals found at Tenikwa.What an amazing place!Blue Crane ( South Africa's National animal)
Turtles and meerkats!
Marabou Stork, arguably one of the ugliest birds out there :)
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