This summer I had the opportunity to work with Ski Portillo's marketing team, and I spent a week in August at "The Yellow Hotel"
The yellow hotel and Laguna del Inca
Night sky over the laguna
I've been hearing about Portillo from friends for years but nothing prepares you for the experience until you're actually there. An entire ski resort that consists of one hotel, where all the guests get to eat, ski and party together all day long all week. It's basically a skiing cruise ship!
One of my favorite shots I took in Portillo
Damian Quigley of Freeskier Magazine hitting a jump the crew built that day.
As Portillo didn't get much snowfall this year, I had to get creative as far as photography. What I hoped were going to be powder photos, turned into groomer shots, and the full moon messed up my stargazing :)
Chris Davenport enjoying the fresh corduroy
This is what dreams are made of
I only got to ski on their manmade snow, but looking at the mountains surrounding the hotel one can only imagine how epic it would all be covered in snow.
Do you think you're brave enough for the polar plunge?
Portillo, thank you for an amazing week and all the new friendships! I will be back.
BTW this was the view from my hotel room. How epic?!
Torchlight Parade on my last evening in Portillo
Chasing shadows with James Winfield
Freeskier magazine's Ski The South winner Brian Trausch enjoying that southern snow
Tyler Pence going for the jump with the views
Pool party
Ridiculous sunset colors every single evening
Chilean military working on their skiing skills
Trying out the super long exposure
Does it get more perfect than this?
Snowshoe and wine tour by the lake, sign me up!
Just another sunset in Portillo
Before I even got to Chile, I had a goal of capturing these crazy switchback leading up to Portillo at night with light trails of cars passing by. Turns out they close the road to traffic at 8pm haha. Next time :)
Just how cool are these guanacos hanging out by the slopes?
Parties at Tio Bob's get wild
All about those reflections
Water skiing anyone?
Trans Andean railway was built in the early 1900's and was the main route connecting the cities of Santiago, Chile and Mendoza, Argentina. On its way through the mountains, it made a stop at Portillo ski resort, that lies on the border between two countries. The railway closed in 1984, but abandoned train tunnels and dismantled railway are quite a sight to see
Pieces of abandoned railroad
All these rocks in the foreground are skiable terrain on a good snow year
Plateau chairlift covers a lot of altitude with minimal lift towers
Another capture of Chilean military because they were my absolute favorites on the slopes
Portillo Ski resort celebrates its 70th anniversary this year
Of course I attended a pisco sour making class, that stuff is delicious!
Fun morning shooting with Chris Davenport!
Trying to capture the stars before the moon rises
I got fairly successful at it
Saying goodbye to Portillo with another beautiful sunrise