Serbia | Being A Tourist At Home

 Every time I travel back home I promise myself that I will take pictures that time. I never do. It's hard to be a tourist in a place where you spent 20 years of your life. But, this time it was supposed to be different because I brought my American boyfriend along and we had a month long road trip planned out. And then Balkans got hit by the worst floods of the century and we didn't get to travel around the country much at all. Until the next trip home, here's a little bit of Petrovaradin, Golubac, Divcibare, and my hometown Batajnica._MG_7696 _MG_7699 _MG_7705_MG_7732_MG_7739 _MG_7747petrovaradin pano_MG_8292 _MG_8293 _MG_8294 _MG_8301 _MG_8305_MG_8383_MG_8405 _MG_8325 _MG_8329 _MG_8370_MG_8433 _MG_8476 _MG_8485 _MG_8486IMG_1624golubacIMG_1436 IMG_1437 IMG_1464 IMG_1480 IMG_1490IMG_7650 IMG_7652 IMG_7654 IMG_7656All photographs available for print. Contact me at 


The Wild West


The Wild Coast